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WINNERS LINE: 1 - 902 - 684 -3383

Buy Bingo Packages online here:

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Additional Info:

Wednesday Nights 7:00pm to 8:00PM

Tune into – or download our app

Call the Winners Line at 902-684-3383


Price: $5.00 per booklet. Booklets can be purchased at Glooscap Landing and Glooscap Corner or online at


Prize: All games are 50% of the take. A minimum of $25 is guaranteed.

Jackpot is $1,000 if won with 49 calls or less. Every week there is not a winner we will add $50 to the jackpot

The Games:
Game 1 - Blue Card

Game 1 - Blue Card

Top line or bottom line

Game 2 - Orange Card

Game 2 - Orange Card

Large X

Game 3 - Green Card

Game 3 - Green Card

The Letter G

Game 4 - Yellow Card

Game 4 - Yellow Card

Inner Square

Game 5 - Pink Card

Game 5 - Pink Card

All 4 corners.

Game 6 - White Card

Game 6 - White Card

The number 7

Game 7 - Black Card

Game 7 - Black Card

Full card in 48 calls or less for Jackpot.

Rules of Play:

1.    Cards must be played in the week they are purchased. 

2.    All bingo paper is controlled by serial numbers.

3.    Colour and serial number of cards must match colour and serial number being played.

4.    Maximum twenty (20) second delays between numbers called.

5.    The first phone call received at the radio station with a potential bingo may not necessarily be the winner of that particular game. The winner of any game will be the person who has called in with a bingo in the least amount of numbers called for the particular game.

6.    Once the winner is phone verified, the bingo caller will announce three (3) times "Any More Winners", the caller then states the game is now closed. Phone line will remain open for thirty (30) minutes after game completion. 

7.    Winners that have bingoed with the same amount of numbers called, will split the prize amoungst the winners.

8.    Players must have the following information ready when phoning in their bingo:

                (a) free space number;

                (b) serial number at the top of card;

                (c) the card colour; and

                (d) the number on which they bingoed. Names must be spelled for the person on the phone and proper mailing address is required. 

9.    Winners name, mailing address and phone number must be on the back of the winning card and returned by mail to: Glooscap Community Radio Bingo, 410 Ben Jackson Road, Hantsport NS B0P1P0 for payment. Mail in your entire winning card. Emails and faxes are not accepted.

10.Winners cheques will be mailed on receipt of winning card.

11.Bingo cards not played due to technical difficulties during play will be exchanged on receipt of intact booklet upon the discretion of the Glooscap Gaming Commission. 

Glooscap Community Bingo is authorized by the Glooscap Gaming Commission

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